Professor Scheub's images set the visual foundation for the course.

A first generation content page in D2L with HTML5 audio integration. Simple, stable, and easy to migrate.

Homepage of the first generation AF210 blended redesign for The African Storyteller (2014).

Building off of previous work in the area of "Digital Media Assignments" I designed a final project with deep multimedia integrations.

A majority of students reported that the blend of face-to-face and online activities supported the course's learning objectives.

Most students wanted a course with some face-to-face experiences

A strong majority felt that Professor Scheub's video lectures were interesting and relevant.

Strong majorities of students responded favorably to the flexibility that the course design offered and the amount and length of media that was included.

The user experience feedback survey activated during the final week of the semester provided valuable feedback for the second and third generation of the course redesigns.

Custom CSS with multiple device compatibility for the fully online version of the course.

Professor Scheub's images set the visual foundation for the course.
A first generation content page in D2L with HTML5 audio integration. Simple, stable, and easy to migrate.
Homepage of the first generation AF210 blended redesign for The African Storyteller (2014).
Building off of previous work in the area of "Digital Media Assignments" I designed a final project with deep multimedia integrations.
A majority of students reported that the blend of face-to-face and online activities supported the course's learning objectives.
Most students wanted a course with some face-to-face experiences
A strong majority felt that Professor Scheub's video lectures were interesting and relevant.
Strong majorities of students responded favorably to the flexibility that the course design offered and the amount and length of media that was included.
The user experience feedback survey activated during the final week of the semester provided valuable feedback for the second and third generation of the course redesigns.
Custom CSS with multiple device compatibility for the fully online version of the course.